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The Mentor Program: Image


Because even after you learn to ride, there’s more to learn.

The Mentor Program began in 2016 to provide an educational and safe environment for riders interested in criterium racing. The program was reimagined in 2020 to support all riders and cycling event coordinators, as well as burgeoning ameatuer racers.

Our original programing offered new racers basic tips from race registration to positioning for the final lap and provided more experienced racers peace of mind through radioed course marshals. While novice-level race assistance, course marshaling, and advanced skill clinics are still part of the program’s function, the Mentor Program also serves non-racing cycling events. 

Mentors have volunteered at local social rides as course marshals helping with things like punctures and offering encouragement and good cheer. Our mentors are also invaluable in communicating with event directors regarding mid-ride issues that require additional assistance. The Mentor Program gives event promoters and organizers event production help and are a value-added service for riders. 

The Mentor Program’s ultimate goal is to develop cyclists’ skills and confidence through instruction and example—regardless of pace—from our highly skilled, veteran riders.

The Mentor Program: Text

“Thank you so much to my mentors and the program.

I believe it made my transition into crit racing

much safer and more fun.”

- First-time racer

The Mentor Program: Quote


The Mentor Program: Meet the Team


If you or your orgainization are producing a ride or race and you’d like to have The LeadOut Foundation operate the Mentor Program as part of your event please contact us.

The Mentor Program: Text

“Not only did the LeadOut Foundation’s mentor and clinic program make our races at the Driveway more attractive to beginners, they also cut our emergency medical response time in half and added a layer of professionalism to the event. My only regret is that they were not around sooner.”

-Andrew Willis, Driveway Series Promoter

The Mentor Program: Quote
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